Christmas Music


North Central Arkansas
Pentatonix, remember when they were competing on the acapella TV show, The Sing Off. We enjoyed watching that show, don't know why they took it off the air? Guess they need the spot for the ridiculous adult cartoons and the asinine reality shows. Home Free was another good acapella group that made their name on that show.


SE Kansas
"Humility is greatly underrated"; one of the teachings of Jesus. Fred's musings are, while entertaining, sarcastic, and if not that then Fred is the classic definition of curmudgeon.


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
For Ric....
The rest of the story.

My mother told the story, every time she heard the song, that she sang along while my dad, a Merchant Marine engineering officer, was on a run to Murmansk, Russia, in 1943, before the ice closed the North Sea.

Then in 1969 I was pulled back to Phuoc Vinh, RVN, on the 23rd for the truce. Across the airstrip was the 7th Calvary regiment, commanded by Col Patton, "Old blood and Guts" son. He had loud speakers all around his area and at 0600 reveille, he would play "Gary Owen". Except on Christmas eve, he played carols and WW2 Christmas music till midnight. Those of us on the bunker line sang along.


Well-Known Member
So as not to drift Rics Christmas meme thread I'll start one for Christmas music. What songs define Christmas for you? Post them here!

I played the crap out of that snoopy and the Red Barren album.
Got that for Christmas with my first phonograph. Thanks for the memories!


Well-Known Member
Not exactly Christmas music, but a Christmas I can't forget...

Christmas of 1972, I asked my parents for the new George Carlin album "Class Clown". They knew him as the "Hippy Dippy Weatherman". Christmas morning, my dreams came true, and there it was, under the tree! My joy was short lived as I and my brothers insisted on listening to it, as soon as all of the gifts had been unwrapped.

Fortunately for me, we got to listen to almost all of it, as the bit "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" was the last one on the b-side. I never saw that album again...
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