Melting/smelting PC recovered bullets?


Well-Known Member
Gifted 3-400 38 SPC reloads for pull downs. Majority of bullets are Powder Coated. Any issue/special considerations melting/smelting PC bullets? TIA


Well-Known Member
I toss small hand fulls in the pot regularly. As mentioned skim off sludge that can form and be well ventilated.

If (when) I have large amount like you. I smelt outside as if raw because of those fumes. I dont want them at all restricted by my ventilation inside my garage.

Just food for thought.



Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
I melt everything down outdoors and keep clear of the smoke. I figure there is plenty there I don’t need to breath.
I don’t find PC to be any worse than bullet lube and the various bits of crap that get in the pot with my range scrap.