Picked up a black hawk today..


Well-Known Member
Hello to everyone. Picked up a older model Blackhawk 6 1/2 inch barrel. Blue, single action. 38/357. Came with a holster as well. Some new to play with.
Probably put a green dot on it.
Below zero here. So I'll have time to load a few rounds any way.

Just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing. Stay warm.. johnny
I'm keeping my feelers out for a .357. Love my .44 SBH'S.

I bought a Taurus 608 last year, haven't shot a .38 in 40 years. Wondering now how I missed having this much fun for so long.

Can't seem to find an affordable S&W 14 or 15. Those things are almost unobtainable at a reasonable price.
357 would not be so bad. But the FIL's 44mag is very unpleasant to shoot. That grip just does not fit me. I felt up a Bisley grip the other day. If I end up with one it will have the Bisley grip.
The Bisley grip was a game changer for me. I hate the plow handle on Ruger black hawks.
Yeah,I know what you mean..
Waiting for some warmer weather to try it out..
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i still remember my little Bro. telling me i looked kinda gay standing there holding my Bisley gripped Cattleman.

10 minutes later i told him how gay he looked holding his forehead after my 44 mag black hawk clocked him with the front sight.
I have a New Model one, it's my only single action revolver. I've had it for 10 years or so but never shot it much until more recently. It's a convertible with a 9mm cylinder. I haven't found the conversion all that useful. I can shoot it as well as anything but it's not real comfortable with that tiny grip. I found a custom grip maker that make "extended" grips and those work a whole lot better. I shoot it more now. The extended grips look just a little off but not as funny as the Pachmayr grips.

I've never managed to acquire a Bisley but I think that's the solution.

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Everyone needs at least one Blackhawk. The things are accurate, reliable and tough as nails.
I’ve read Paco Kelly’s thoughts and he claims to have put, as I recall, 75k rounds through one. Don’t doubt him a bit. They’re rugged and will take anything without “burp”. I do a lot of load testing with mine. It’s a 4 5/8” model and either it or the High Power rides in my hip pocket here on the place.
Good score!:beagle
I don't hate SA revolvers but I gravitate more towards the DA revolvers.

I own a few SA revolvers and have owned Blackhawk revolvers in the past. The Blackhawk is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of the type.

Excellent materials. Very simple and strong design. Classic form and good value.

The Colt 1873 and the earlier cap & ball models, set the standard for the form but Ruger took the concept to its ultimate pinnacle in terms of strength, durability, reliability and value.

You can buy something like a Freedom Arms Revolver and get a little more precision out of the box, but you are going to pay a lot for that last little bit of precision.

The Ruger Blackhawk may (or may not) require a little bit of tweaking to get to your desired level of fitting and accuracy but there’s no dispute concerning its incredible strength.
I have a New Model one, it's my only single action revolver. I've had it for 10 years or so but never shot it much until more recently. It's a convertible with a 9mm cylinder. I haven't found the conversion all that useful. I can shoot it as well as anything but it's not real comfortable with that tiny grip. I found a custom grip maker that make "extended" grips and those work a whole lot better. I shoot it more now. The extended grips look just a little off but not as funny as the Pachmayr grips.

I've never managed to acquire a Bisley but I think that's the solution.

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That's a beauty