Special life membership offer from NRA


Notorious member
Hmm. Lifetime membership or more NFA tax stamps before 41P goes into effect next month. Hmmmm. Think I'll just renew for one more year, they'll be offering that deal again before November I bet.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Been a life member of better than a decade.

This is gonna sound odd but I even know what day Khornet got his life membership. When we went to the NRA convention in KC years back I saw his card. The date was the day I was born.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I upgraded to an endowment member. If time and money are available in the future would like to upgrade again. There are some things about the NRA that I am not crazy about, but that said without the NRA I fear we would be weaponless today! So, I would encourage all members to sign up as many as possible, with emphasis on wives and kids. Start them young, teach them right, and teach them often.