Alloy advice for cast hp pistol bullets.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
I don’t think a cutter is the way to go for making a nonGC bullet accept a GC. It will require a fair bit of force to cut the lead- how will you hold the bullet without damaging it?

If you want to play with expanding cast bullets and HP The perform well there is a cost- no free lunch. Spend the money on a GC mould, the 40 in particular. Sometimes you just have to pay to play the game.

The guys getting those nice mushrooms didn’t do it overnight. They spent time and money to find out what works and what doesn’t.


Well-Known Member
There are gas checks designed to be used on plain based bullets. I' sure try thst before I tried to cut a gas check base on individual bullets.


Well-Known Member
IMHO, Powder coating, which is already stated was being used. Negates any need for a gas check in nearly all handgun calibers/loads.

Many of us coating have personally experimented and its universally accepted softer alloys can be utilized because of the powder coat. I have pushed my RF range scrap alloy in PB bullet molds past 2000 in various calibers with Good results and no issues.

Its going to take testing, we simply owe that much to the game we might use the projectiles on.

Having said that about GC with powder coat, Ill always use a gc on a bullet designed to accept a check. Simply because for me, every time it results in better accuracy. I also see the need for them as pressures raise in many rifle loads.