Arsehole people


Well-Known Member
So I have to vent about this. Other vent here so I figure it's my turn. We have a neighbor at our summer place. Their kids pretty much grew up in our camp during the summers. Our dog and their daughter grew up together and the cries when he saw her for the first time every spring was truly moving. The son, who is on the autistic sprectrum but drives, holds a job (dealer at the local casino) is like family to us. The parents are another story. The father is a beer alcoholic and a degenerate gambler. He used to live at the local OTB but now lives at the local casinos. Thank you, George Pataki. The mother still wants to party like she is 18. She has a good job, but lets the husband run the family finances. They have declared bankruptcy twice. Collection agencies are their only visitors. The wife seems to be oblivious to her husband's issues. The son still lives with the parents and he makes a decent living as a dealer. The Indian casino recognizes that he has issues, but is a very reliable person so they push him to do more than he would on his own.

They have a dog, an Aussie named Watson that is a great dog and who I've mentioned here in the past. He's the son's best friend and really his only friend. One of is issues is an inability to relate well to people his own age. He does much better with his elders. He was my shadow at the lake when he was growing up. Anyway, Watson is also part of our family and was buds with our dog when he was still with us. He's a great dog and greets me every day when I walk across the street to my barn for that day's project. He has a tin of cookies in the barn that he knows are his and comes skidding in on his ass with is paws up because that is the drill for him to get a cookie.

This week, Watson was diagnosed with cancer. It's a growth on his leg. The parents noticed it weeks ago but did nothing because of money issues. The son took him to the vet this week and got the diagnosis and the first thing out of the parent's mouth was "Money is tight, can we put off the treatment for a few weeks?" The son is tightly bonded with my wife and they talk almost every day on the phone. She just unload this news on my about 15 minutes ago. Casey has the money in his savings. But because he grew up in that house, he has poor financial habits and just bought a new car with a huge monthly payment. The vet estimated the cost to be about $1200.00. The parents are waffling and talking about putting the dog down because they really only care about themselves. So, I just called the son and told him to get the dog treated and whatever it cost, if he could not afford it, to have the vet call me and I'd pay whatever it took because Watson was my buddy too. Of course I knew that Watson is the son's best friend and we need to keep him around for as long as possible.

I just cannot imagine a parent, let alone both parents, putting their needs above that of their children. Actually, I think that the pet should get even higher priority because they did not ask to become part of that family.

I have never interfered in that family's personal issues. It's none of my business. But today, I had to take a stand. I know that I am taking the high road and I'm not worried about where the pieces land as long as Watson gets the best of attention from the vet and the son gets to keep his pal. If the parents have an issue and choose to take it up with me, they are going to see a side of me that they have never seen before. I hope that they don't. And given the spineless qualities that I've witnessed in the past, I suspect that the won't.

Sorry for the rant. But I have this feeling that you guys can relate to this kind of BS.


Active Member. Uh/What
Sure can. My .02 worth, take care of Watson and Casey, if mom and dad don't like it, then it's on them.

No children involved, similar like one guy in town has a solid 7, likely 8 figures in the bank, yet screws over everyone he does business with, often times by not settling up when the work is done, knowing most lawyers won't touch it because it's not worth their while.

The real clincher.... USMC flag in his front yard. Grrrrr


West Central AR
I had a client once that would hold his payment until the 12th to get the interest roll over payment rather than the 10% discount for COD . I had another that would haggle every bill and buy his own parts .

That's why I'm raising 3 grands that aren't mine . The blood parents are treasures, and as such should probably be buried.

It's all around us . We the folks raised by the depression babies , greatest ,and war baby generations whether we're Xers or or boomers are kind of the last of the people that care more about each other than ourselves.


Official forum enigma
Strong work, Snakeoil.

We are seeing another evolution of similar no-class addictive behavior by one of my in-laws currently. With any luck at all this individual will buy the wrong bag of meth amended with fentanyl and solve the problem in the first person.


Well-Known Member
I truly appreciate your support and kind words, guys. But to be honest, I would have done it regardless. The son is going to take care of this ASAP. I suspect and hope that the cancer is isolated to the leg and it will be a simple remove, treat and move on situation. I know someone else whose dog had cancer in its foot and they cut it out and he's been fine ever since.

We have had a place across the street from these folks for over 30 years. They have always been good neighbors, respectful and helpful. Of course their kids treat us like grandparents and watch our place like a hawk when we are not there. The mother had a stroke in her 40's and we were there for them, took care of their dog, brought the son to the hospital so he would not have to drive and did what was needed as they dealt with the health issues. The problem with getting to know folks over a long period is you begin to see thru the facades. We have always dissuaded the kids from talking about their parents and what goes on behind closed doors. But they also needed someone to talk to at times so we just listened and kept it in confidence. I think if the parents knew all the stuff their kids have unloaded on us over the years they be furious and extremely embarrassed. We taught their kids how to say please and thank you. We introduced them to oatmeal, since Pop Tarts is what they got for breakfast. And they normally had to cook them, themselves. Parents ate steak and kids got hot dogs.

We have never said a word about any of this. We would never express any opinions to the kids. Now they are adults and can see for themselves. I did spend a lot of time when the son was growing up to teach him how to manage his money. His parents charge everything and make the min payments. They have to have the best and are not content to live within their means. And they probably could have the best if the husband did not give it all to the casino.

Nobody is perfect. We all have character flaws, silly ways we need to follow and convictions we maintain. My wife and I have tried to instill good values to these kids and I think we made some headway. The son is starting to see that following a few rules I gave him for managing his money has him in a pretty good situation. The downside is he's a very giving person, loves his mom and pays most of the bills in the house now. It's probably fair since he still lives at home and he's 26. But remember, he's a very young 26 because of his mental issues. He pays no rent, so ponying up for the household bills is the right thing. But he went thru a period of Hell because his father had taken out credit cards in his son's name and maxed them out. It did a number on the son's credit rating. When he found out, he called and had the cards cancelled. But they had some sizeable balances and he father never paid the full amounts. The son finally decided to cut his losses and just paid them off. It was hard for me to watch, but again, none of my business. But I did counsel him stuff like doing a credit check on a regular basis and maybe considering getting Life Lock, even though I tend to think that's a bit of a rip-off outfit. The advantage is nobody can take a card out in your name without you finding out.

Well, I see that I'm ranting a bit again. It's very frustrating for someone like me who tends to be a problem solver. You can't solve other people's personal problems without stepping on toes and I really don't want to go down that road. I'd rather coach in a non-judgemental way. Give him good values, techniques, and practices and let him decide what's best for him. The daughter got thru college and did very well and is out on her own now. He figured the father out when she was 13 and really has no use for him. She tolerates him because she loves her mother.

You could probably write a book about this family.


Official forum enigma
Yessir, Snake Oil......sooner or later, plain old cognitive dissonance will show kids the way. Even from an idiot you can discern what NOT to do.


West Central AR
After recent life experience I learned that even as teens into the early 20s people can't connect actions and consequences. When I asked 3,4,14,&16 year olds why they keep their hands well away from door edges every one of them said "so my hand and fingers don't get caught" . What's wrong with that ? "It hurts" .

As the compassion and openness of this forum proves over and over pain is a great teacher . Sometimes it teaches us not to close the door on our hand , sometimes it teaches us the way of life . Sometimes it teaches someone else the value of compassion, adopted family, and doing the right thing sometimes for the wrong reasons but mostly because it's not wrong .

Sometimes the depth of my thoughts in the precoffee dawn scares me......


New Member
It's perfectly understandable that you needed to vent about this situation. It's heartbreaking to hear about Watson's illness and the neglect he's experienced from his owners