Cast Bullet Association

358156 hp

At large, whereabouts unknown.
"The Fouling Shot" is like a combination of the old "Handloader" magazine and an internet forum. There will be articles that are pages long, and some that are just a few paragraphs. There are some very diverse points of view and opinions there. I like it better than commercial magazines.

John Alexander

New Member
It is painful and embarrassing to read of the troubles some of you have had trying to join the CBA or renewing your membership because I am the guy responsible for those failures. I was CBA’s president during the period and was slow in being able to fix the problems. I would like to apologize to everyone who failed to get good service.

However, I am confident that the kinds of problems described above will be very rare to non-existent in the future. Sharon Hisle, our new membership director, is sending out renewal notices well ahead of each member’s expiration date and additional notices if the member fails to renew.

Or store is running on new and better software but if you have difficulty getting on or buying memberships or other items please email Jeffrey Sechrist – who will help you. Jeffrey is a volunteer who has a regular day job so please don’t expect instant service.

If you have problems with anything relating to CBA, please email me – and I will see that the right person is notified and will follow up. If you would like to take a look at a recent issue of the Fouling Shot, send me your email address and I will send a digital copy for your review.

I have written hand addressed letters to the thousand past CBA members who let their membership expire in the last four years and invited them to rejoin. Over 200 have rejoined and I plan to send another thousand letters to those who dropped out earlier. Your support as members makes the Fouling Shot and our competitive programs possible. Thank you.

John Alexander
President of CBA


Well-Known Member
They are working on this, they now see the full scope of the problem. The new membership director and the new treasurer comprehend the problem. They are whole-heartedly addressing it.

Like many groups unfamiliar with IT, they initially let the provider set the procedures and now understand what they really need. IT providers are the modern version of snake oil salesmen, ranking slightly above politicians.
Saying the problem is due to IT works as an excuse for the recent past. This problem is old enough to buy alcohol in all 50 states. The excuse I got back in August for being repeatedly added back to the mailing list boiled down to a failure to recognize and address the problem, which raises the question of what--exactly--have they done to "address" the problem? Saying they "comprehend" and are "addressing" the problem is meaningless without showing what they are doing.

I don't wish bad things for the CBA, and I don't want to see them fail: obviously, having tried to join 3 times I must see some good in the org. But after being ripped off back in 2016/17, and the latest mess, it will take seeing actual changes before joining the CBA looks like a good idea to me.

That many of us are not members of the CBA and are hesitant about joining is solely due to the actions/inactions of the CBA, and the apparent willingness of the officers and members to tolerate it for so long.


Alaska Land of the Midnight Sun
Well I must say I’m a very tolerant individual, so I’m in hopes of near future improvement in CBA. I’ve been a member of CBA on and off for 25 years or so. But I must admit that I’m the kinda person that needs an invitation to renew, then a reminder, possibly twice. I am a proud life member of the Procrastinator club after all.
But all kidding aside I can’t imagine that there would be to many people on this forum that wouldn’t enjoy membership in the CBA.

Dusty Bannister

Well-Known Member
John A is a man of his word. He was the individual that went above and beyond to get the foreign membership issue resolved. There are new directors on board and probably need some time to get comfortable in the new positions. I hope that John will hold off sending out that second batch of letters to allow the volunteer staff a chance to work through the pile of correspondence they will be receiving.