Fire Marshall Bill here! Pop quiz - How much Lil Gun fits in a 414 Supermag?


Well-Known Member
44.2 Grains will get you level with the case mouth with a 1.602" long case. Further, loading said amount with a 210 XTP compresses the top 1/4" into a plug, the top grains form a smooth surface with tiny voids in the interstices between the grains.

Next, let's state that you should never be too proud to check your work. Better if done before loading, but as long as it is before pulling the trigger, that's good.

RCBS 5-10 (uses vernier counter weight) 500 grain beam scales have 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100 marked on the beam, the scale is further divided with a mark at every 50 grains, and finally, each of the smallest divisions is ten grains each (the RCBS 5-10 uses the vernier type rotating weight).

So, campers, the proper setting for 24.3 grains is to set the weight to the left of the pivots to two small divisions (20 grains) then set the weight to the right of the pivot to 4.3, add both (20 + 4.3) to measure 24.3 grains. How hard could it be, really? :confused:
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