With all of the interest in the new S&W Ultimate Carry (UC) J-frame guns from Lipsey's, I thought I would play around a bit with full wadcutter bullets in .32 H&R (I still can't bring myself to call it a "magnum"). One of the noteworthy results from this morning's trip to the range was the H&G #66 wadcutter (98 grains), sized .313" and lubed with 50/50 beeswax/moly grease delivered 1092 fps when loaded over 3.5 grains of Unique and fired from a 4 5/8" Ruger Single Seven .327 Federal. Velocities would obviously be lower in the 2" S&W revolver, and I would guess they would drop down very nicely into the 950-1000 fps range that people are talking about for defensive .32 WC loads. Accuracy was decent, and all pressure indications were normal. I also tested 4.0 grains of Unique, and velocities jumped up to 1206 fps, and group size was notably worse. Lipsey's just might be on to something here....