

California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
Most of the kids we get stand there mutely and stare at whoever answers the door. If my wife, she says, "Oh, how cute." If me, I say, "What do you say." They remain mute and stare -- they only know Spanish. Most of their parents remain mute, too.


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
Our little cul-de-sac entrance faces a new medical office building next to a golf course and bowling alley. Haven't had kids for three years that I know of.


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
Yep, forty years ago when the neighborhood was of people raising families, would get about 100 yearly. Now we are all old and no kids around.


Well-Known Member
We're on a rural road, just wide enough for opposing traffic, center line disappeared probably 15 years ago. Gate to our driveway is closed, no Halloween decorations, no trick-or-treaters.

Back in Kaliforniastan it was much like 462 describes.
What really annoyed me were the non-english-speaking mothers who were 100 lbs over-weight, carrying an infant who was still either on breast milk or formula, but the baby was dressed in a Halloween costume and mom would just hold out a bag to get the candy.

EDIT: Just occurred to me that may sound a bit harsh, but sometimes fact is harsh. We never saw primarily english speakers pull those shenanigans.
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High Steppes of Eastern Washington
I know. Was in a department store restroom and one was unrolling all the toilet paper and putting it in a plastic bag.


Well-Known Member
We got at least 150 each year.
Van and car loads drive into our neighborhood with children and mothers that don't speak English.
I don't care. Halloween is for kids, no matter what language they speak.
My wife and I dress up each year.
She has a Garfeild outfit and I have a ghoul mask and black hooded satin cape.
I open the door and they gasp and step back. She comes out and hands out candy.
I don't know who has more fun, us or the kids.
I draw the line at teenagers that don't even try to dress up.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
Same here. Nearly zero. For a few years that's exactly what we saw. Last year we had 4/6 door bells.

Neighborhood has grown up I guess. But seeing more kids walking ta school so might I aughta grab a couple bags... Momma always wanted us to.


Well-Known Member
Probably get more bussed in kids this year. We quit answering the door several yrs ago when this started, probably keep the lights off again this yr.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
Around here everyone does "Trunk or Treat" where those willing load the back of the car up with goodies, decorate as much as they feel like and the kids all go to a central location in day light. Parents love it, kids love it, participants enjoy it. Win-win-win.


Well-Known Member
Here in ILL-Nois they have "Trunk and Treats". People go to designated parking lots with "bag treats" in their trunks and the kids walk the course. All treats must be store brand packaged. Police walk the area for security.


Active Member. Uh/What
We do trunk or treat here as well with the usual assortment of candy. Through year I try the different flavors of Mt Dew that get introduced, some I like, those remaining cans from the 12-packs that I don't care for get "repurposed".....
Oddly enough, no complaints, but a lot of laughs. I do have an age limit in place, 6 years old... ;)
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