Happy Labor Day


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Yeah, so your daughter can make me do labor!


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
I intend to avoid any need for medical attention.
Floor is horribly out of flat and leveling it has been a project. So far it is getting better. By the end of today I hope to have that issue licked.
I won't get much tile laid before our trip in mid Sept.


Notorious member
Using the self-leveling goo? The directions say to simply build containment, mix, pour, wash hands, drink coffee. Tell us how it REALLY goes down.


Well-Known Member
I few years ago I laid down Laminate flooring in our Kitchen but before that I had to fill a 3 ft wide by maybe an inch deep in the middle depression.
Got some stuff called UGL floor leveler ( Actually it is made by one of my clients back here In Scranton, United Gilsonite Labs) I really was amazed how easy. Just poured it in the center and filled it up until it flowed out to the level edge. My wife & I then went to the movies and when we came home It was good to go! Just make sure you isolate any pets from the area:D


Springfield, Oregon
Yep. Used that self leveling stuff myself when we put in new floors. Mix, dump, walk away. Cool stuff.


Staff member
It is good stuff and Brad should be able to use it since no power tools are involved. :rolleyes:


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
That is what we are using. A whole bunch of it. Very short working time. I'm hustling pouring and carrying, my wife is busy mixing. With 15-20 min open time ya gotta get to it!


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
She can't carry a full 5 gal bucket, they weigh almost 60 pounds.
We got 6 more bags down, still need another 2-3 to get things all flat. Doing 3 adjoining rooms that total around 170 sq ft makes for lots of work.
I see lots of back pain from tiling in my future.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
No doubt! We just finished 3 more bags. That makes a total of 18!
Yes, the floor was THAT bad. It had spots 1/2 inch out. Since we are using 6x36 tiles it needs to be pretty darn flat.
I think one more bag to finish to last few low spots will do it. Amazing what a 6.5 ft level shows.

Guys, I'm all labored out. It has definitely been a day of labor.


Well-Known Member
You need some good eats from the Grill! It really should be No Labor Day! Think you did plenty!


Staff member
I take it your house is on a slab? How could the whole thing be that far out? Sounds confusing.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
This is the second floor. Major hump along a joist. Low spots in doors to closet and bathrooms from vanity area. The slab in the basement was pretty good when I tiled it a few years back.

Jim, I had left over ribs for lunch. No point insmoking just one rack at a time is there?


Staff member
Well . . . I certainly am no contractor and likely am wrong but it sounds logical that if the second floor joists are sagging the solution would be to jack it up from below and install support beams. Also sounds logical (to me) that adding all that extra weight will cause it to sag even worse. Not something I've ever dealt with so take that for what it's worth, just thinking out loud.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Oddly, they aren't so much sagging as there are high spots in places. Is is a long seam between sheets of plywood and they may well have been placed too tight together and they grew a touch and humped up. Gotta have room for wood to move!
When we removed carpet in the first bathroom I did we found a few chunks of cedar shake that were used to level the floor in a doorway.
We have high spots throughout this level. We can feel them under the carpet. It really is the bad.
Joists are 2x10 on 16 in centers. The low spot in one doorway is less than 3 feet from a load bearing wall, concrete block no less. I feel less that we have structural issues than we have a house framed by morons. Bet a few joists are crown up, some are crown down.


Staff member
Well like I said just thinking out loud. Did you speak with any contractors about the issue. How much does all that concrete weigh?