Mink oil


Springfield, Oregon
Is this okay to use on molded leather knife sheaths?
Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Petrol & Powder

Well-Known Member
I can't answer your specific question, but I’ve used Mink Oil on leather gear for many years. Mink Oil tends to soften leather, which is desirable for things like belts and shoes but bad for things that have a tightly molded shape, like some holsters.

A better product, in my opinion, is Sno-Seal, which waterproofs but doesn’t soften the leather quite like Mink Oil.

And for both products, placing the leather in sunlight to warm it is a big help.

Jeff H

NW Ohio
Agree with ll so far, except I cannot say from EXPERIENCE that it makes good case lube, BUT @richhodg66 tends to be a reliable source.

I have been using Bick's No. 4 on holsters and gun belts for years without any discoloration or softening, but it does a nice jib keeping the leather from deteriorating. It was recommended to me by a harness-maker in Amish country, but I don't remember which one. Apply it bare-handed, rub it all over the leather until it starts to "dry" a bit and then let it sit for a while.

Side-benefit is that it is an amazing skin softener. I have to wash my hands 50 times a day (not exaggerating and not obsessive-compulsive) and it's the only thing that works and doesn't leave me greasy. DISCLAIMER: For all I know, it may make me grow an extra thumb or cause cancer in the state of California. I live in Ohio, so I should be OK and what the hell, an extra thumb might be handy sometimes.


Well-Known Member
IIRC, and I'm not sure I do, mink oil softens leather nicely, but after a year or two takes on a bit of an unpleasant smell.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, it's all I use for case lube anymore, except I usually wipe pistol brass with a rag dampened with Ed's Red when running them through a carbide sizer.