Purchased this Large 400 Lb. Block of Lead


Halcyon member
Chain Saw...I agree. If you have one of the Electric 'slow moving' chain saws all the better (more torque at slow speed)

Dusty Bannister

Well-Known Member
Might be worth checking for metal with one of those stud finders. Just in case someone decided to bury some rebar in the melt. May save a chain that way. Great score there. Not too hot to work it down either.
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Active Member
You'll get where you need to be in terms of smaller ingots - but it will take some time.

That's an impressive hunk O' lead!
Yeah I was getting low on Lead and have been casting more lately. This will get my stock back up. It first I turned this block down not being sure How to deal with it. But I went ahead and took it. Didn't want the scrap guy to stop calling me when he gets lead.



Well-Known Member
I am questioning the weight of your block of lead.
A cubic foot of lead weighs 708 pounds. That would 12"X12"x12".
If your block is 18"X18" x18" it would weigh well over 1000 pounds.
BTW, Great haul.
I would go with melting it with a weed burner or some other heat source.