Random Humor

THis kinda worries mea little because I remember all of those.
Many years ago before I retired, I was covered up with work, I had been working late for several days. It was about 11.30PM & I could not find the 10mm box end wrench I had just used. The Wife came to the shop to see when I was coming in. I said when I find the wrench I just had. She said what does it look like? I held out my left hand & said just like this. Yep, in my left hand the whole time. True story.
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Many years ago before I retired, I was covered up with work, I had been working late for several days. It was about 11.30PM & I could not find the 10mm box end wrench I had just used. The Wife came to the shop to see when I was coming in. I said when I find the wrench I just had. She said what does it look like? I held out my left hand & said just like this. Yep, in my left hand the whole time. True story.
I had a boss in the Detective Bureau who would go on a mad rant looking for his glasses about once a week. We just ignored him. They usually were propped up on the top of his head.
Many years ago before I retired, I was covered up with work, I had been working late for several days. It was about 11.30PM & I could not find the 10mm box end wrench I had just used. The Wife came to the shop to see when I was coming in. I said when I find the wrench I just had. She said what does it look like? I held out my left hand & said just like this. Yep, in my left hand the whole time. True story.

I was occasionally accused of having a temper as a younger being. I remember specifically one day, while in high school and working on 1945 Willy's Jeep, getting so mad that I couldn't find a screwdriver I'd JUST HAD in my HAND, that I ended up chucking it across the yard.

Had it my hand the whole time and then had to go find it in the weeds.
I started chewing tobacco at age 12 and quit at age 52, started with RedMan(Thanks, Dad!), progressed thru Days Work and Brown’s Mule then Copenhagen then Levi Garret.
Levi Garret was $9 a pouch when I quit- saved $40 a week!
Quitting chaw was Much harder than Quitting cigarettes for me!
I started chewing tobacco at age 12 and quit at age 52, started with RedMan(Thanks, Dad!), progressed thru Days Work and Brown’s Mule then Copenhagen then Levi Garret.
Reminds me of how a country boy can tell a city girl from a country girl. When he French kisses a city girl, she don't try to steal his wad of chewing tobacco.
I always found it ironic how my Dad was so proud that he quit smokin' cold turkey after he popped an ulcer. Yessir, 'course he took up chewin' instead. He chewed Plow Boy, Peachy Chips, Red Man and Beech Nut. Uncle Bub chewed Beech Nut and Red Man. I didn't know any old boys that chewed that Copenhagen stuff. That seemed like city boy chew. Heck, some Copenhagen chewers swallowed the saliva. You do that with a wad of Red Man you'd know you didn't have worms.
Glad I never got that habit. Everybody smoked, everywhere. I started at 17 and quit when I was 28 and am damned glad I did.
Once a year maybe I'll bum a Backwoods cigar from one of the guys at the Spring shoot whilst we are sittin' around the campfire drinkin' whiskey and solving the problems of the world and talkin' guns. Takes a day for that taste to get scrubbed off my tongue.
I'll bum a Backwoods cigar from one of the guys at the Spring shoot whilst we are sittin' around
I would love to be able to do that. I had a devil of a time quitting after the better part of 40 years smoking 1 1/2-4 packs a day. I don't dare touch tobacco in any form or I would be right back smoking regular again. Last smoke was 7-7-2006 and I still get cravings.................grrrrrrr.
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I smoked from 17 to 55. 2 to 5 packs a day. When I went to LSU we could smoke in class. The only place I couldn't smoke was inside the grain elevators. I quit when we went on a week long scuba trip. I left my cigarettes in the car. We would not be back to land for 5 days, and I was over the DT's by then.