Williamson Derringer, huh what?


Well-Known Member
Williamson Derringer, caliber .41 r.f., with a 2.5-inch, round, flat-top barrel marked “Williamson's Pat. Oct. 2, 1866, New York,” a total length of 5 inches, and a weight of 6 oz. When it was originally placed on the market it was sold with an auxiliary chamber so that it could be used for percussion fire because cartridges were not yet universally accepted.

made by David Williamson of New York City
Manufactured by Moore's Patent F. A. Co. and National F. A. Co. of Brooklyn, NY. 1866 to 1870.


http://www.american-firearms.com/american-firearms/z-html/company-W/Williamson, David/Williamson, David.html

Another patent, granted on 2nd October 1866, protected a single shot convertible cartridge/cap-lock derringer.

National Arms Company
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Well-Known Member
neat little pistol, they obviously took some time and effort in putting that together.