Might be escaping Kommiefornia soon


Well-Known Member
It’s hard to believe that I’ve never gone to the Tulsa show despite it only being 4-1/4 hours away!
Maybe next time we’ll make it- I’ll holler at you!


"OK, OK, I'm going as fast as I don't want to go!"
Thanks for that Michael! I still have stuff packed from when I bought my current house 20 years ago!

I need to have a massive yard sale in the spring at my house in Mojave.

Anybody who wants to come . . . I have everything from old barn lanterns to antique pot belly stoves to old military stuff and you name it, I probably have it. Just don't want to take it all. Gotta slim down the collecting.



SE Kansas
Morton Buildings put up a fantastic barn, though quite expensive. Welcome to the middle of America.


Well-Known Member
Be careful not to be short on time and transport space in the last few days before leaving the left coast. We listed our house, went under contract on the new one, sold the old one and made the last trip w/uhaul trailer all in under 90 days. Last 3 weeks were some of the most stressful mentally and physically in my life.
I ended up leaving a lot of tooling and fasteners behind. Left a 5 HP rotary phase converter, a relatively new paint sprayer, Oxy-Acetalene rig, RC model planes and boats behind because we ran out of time and space to pack and transport all this stuff.