so waht ya doin today?


Staff member
A big consideration between an sxs and an ATV (one or two seater) is turning radius. The side by sides in my experience take a football field to turn compared to the ATV. Where Smokey will be riding for the most part is heavy woods and the sxs would be a nightmare. I haven't researched the two seat ATV's so don't know but it's possible they would have a longer wheel base also effecting the turn radius.


Well-Known Member
Maybe some Rick. But not ar all all of them! Actually my RZR is about the same as my last XP700 2up! But for sure the shortest machine likely has smallest circle. Forsute those LOONG 4 seaters need a football field to come about! :oops: :p


Staff member
Oh and Smokey, I looked at that tow behind mower from DR that you posted a link to. That thing at $3000 is within a few hundred dollars of a decent Snapper zero turn. Mine was $3300. Mower Warehouse in Mtn. Home is your friend. Believe me when I say that tag along is the last thing that you need for your lot.

And consider this . . . Have you ever tried to back up a trailer with steering wheels? I have (tried) many times. Warner Bros had several for on lot use. I gave up on it in complete failure.


Well-Known Member
Actually, with regard to DR brand equipment, I just put that link up as an example of all the different attachments made for the ATVs. Didn't figure it was top notch equipment.

Not planning on buying a mower attachment for the ATV. Will buy a zero turn mower for mowing/mulching. Figured ATV for trails, food plot work, hauling rocks, bricks, wood, etc., transportation around the homestead and entertainment for the boys. Pulling trees out of the pond (got the tree out of the pond yesterday) or dragging anything else around the place.
The first things I'd be shopping for to pull behind an ATV would be a disc harrow, poly farm cart and a drop-spreader.

Didn't think about turn radius of SxS vs. 2-up machines. Good point. Glad you mentioned it. What few trails we have right now are fairly wide, but overgrown. New trails that I want to clear in our woods can be narrower with a 2-up machine.

With regard to speed of a machine; just don't see any advantage to speeds much over 30 MPH. This will primarily be a farm/ranch utility machine that will rarely see more than 10 MPH. Will be garaged when not in use and when the time comes, (quite a few years down the line I hope) some lucky bugger will get a really good deal on a very lightly used, well cared for older model ATV.
You might think Mrs SW wants to ride behind you, but everyone I know that started off that way ended up getting her one of her own- ATV's, snowmobiles, motorcycles, jet skis, etc.
Bret, Mrs. smokeywolf is still wearing a defibrillator vest which means she's at high risk of going into V-fib. Even with an implanted defibrillator she will likely never drive anything again.
We see her electro-cardio-physicist again tomorrow to get another echo-cardiogram and discuss an implant.
Where did ya take it?
Rick, I had a guy in our little town outside of Simi Valley that was a one-man shop. Chose him because he was ranch/horse people and knew diesels better than most folks know how to use a pencil. He was one of only 2 mechanics I've dealt with in my life that I trusted enough to just pay what he asked and not have to look at the bill.


Well-Known Member
smokeywolf hope everything goes well. Guess it's a pacemaker with defib electrode. Surgery isn't bad, recovery is short.
Got text, my bro passed last nite. She says now I'm the oldest of the clan. Thanks a bunch.


Well-Known Member
Popper, my sincere condolences.
Always wanted a brother, only had a sister and she and I haven't talked for years. Our two youngest boys didn't get along for many years. Both now in their early 20s are starting to show consideration for each other.

Again, my sympathies for your loss.


Well-Known Member
She says now I'm the oldest of the clan. Thanks a bunch.

Sorry for your loss, Popper. Losing a brother is hard.

I had the "oldest one in the family" event last fall.
It's a pretty sobering thing when it happens.
It just means you have to try that much harder to look out for the rest of the family.


Well-Known Member
I've been the oldest since Dad passed 4 years ago. Been about 25 years since the only older brother died.
Son has been pestering me with pictures his buddy in Northeast Utah is sending him. NICE cutthroat and rainbow trout on the fly rod. Neither of us has done much fly fishing in our lifetimes, wrong part of the country for much of that. Now he says we're going out there next summer and hit some mountain streams as well as a lake or two. Been ordering in tieing supplies and learning new techniques. Made a dozen #14 elk hair caddis this afternoon along with a few olive variations. Did some peacock caddis too. Some hoppers just in case. Pretty sure the 45 Blackhawk with 255RF will be going along in case some 4 legged critter objects to our presence on the stream.


Well-Known Member
Very sorry to read this popper. Please accept my deepest condolences.

Most 4x4 machines also have a low range in the transmission.

Mine is a 50" machine. Made for all trails. Some touching both sides. Having to turn around in that is uncommon but we have done it just a lil wider. I can tell ya its nothing I worry about having to do.


Kevin Stenberg

Well-Known Member
Very sorry for your loss Popper.
Just another item to spend money on. I would suggest a snow blower for the front of an ATV. It's fun watching a foot of snow as it is blown 20' to where you want it.