so waht ya doin today?


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Does the name Lovenox sound familiar? That is the brand name for enoxaparin.


Well-Known Member
Checked my medical expenses.
It was Enoxaparin.
5 shots was $4.40. One per day.
He said 5 days was enough to get the blood thinners out if my system.


Well-Known Member
My mother had quite a few TIAs starting I think, before she was 80 years old. She had dementia, high BP, went through bouts of A-FIB and still lived into her 90s.


Well-Known Member
Finally got back to the reloading bench a couple of days ago. Hadn't done any reloading since a week or so before taking my bad spill on the ice.

Still working on 38 SPL plinking ammo.


Halcyon member
Fish Fry with my Mom, at My Cousin's house. YUM.
He had some "extra" packages he thawed, just in case...he didn't need to fry them and asked if I wanted to take them home. four fillets of Rock Fish, whatever they are? caught in North Dakota, Devils Lake, I think?


Well-Known Member
Had to go in to the studio to try to recover some Missing files out of the archives....Took longer then I Like!
Day was beautiful but by the time I got home and made lunch for both of us, just decided to cast more 38 cal wad cutters to complete my buddy Ed's Request! Cast up another 350 pieces
Helped my wife Getting the child car seat in her car What A PIA! You think by now people who sell these things would know how to write up instructions for such an important thing! And the worst part it was not intuitive1... Neither of us could figure out what they were talking about!
Will try again in the morning!

L Ross

Well-Known Member
Had to go in to the studio to try to recover some Missing files out of the archives....Took longer then I Like!
Day was beautiful but by the time I got home and made lunch for both of us, just decided to cast more 38 cal wad cutters to complete my buddy Ed's Request! Cast up another 350 pieces
Helped my wife Getting the child car seat in her car What A PIA! You think by now people who sell these things would know how to write up instructions for such an important thing! And the worst part it was not intuitive1... Neither of us could figure out what they were talking about!
Will try again in the morning!
I was forced to become an instructor for child safety seat installation clinics. No standardization, parents hated the process, instructors hated the process, just a pain in the posterior.


Well-Known Member
Helped my wife Getting the child car seat in her car What A PIA! You think by now people who sell these things would know how to write up instructions for such an important thing! And the worst part it was not intuitive1... Neither of us could figure out what they were talking about!
Will try again in the morning!
After installing several dozen childseats, I put my knee in front of/slightly outside of the anchor, hook the strap on that side from the seat to the anchor, go around to the other side, repeat. If the seat has a top tie, hook it up last.


Well-Known Member
yeah they got hooks now and the newer cars have a metal u shaped clip jammed down between the top and bottom of the seats.
you gotta work your way to the clips then just hook the hook in place.
PITA, but secure as the straps are strong.

spent the day playing 52 billion pickup.
the upper middle shelf on the bullet rack decided it was gonna cave in, and split right down the center.
the shelf never made a sound, but all the bullets dumping out of the various containers made a nice calming shhhh sound as they cascaded everywhere.

i did get the multiple bell pepper plants picked out and transplanted, i'll give them a week or so and then move a bunch over to some paper cups to donate to the garden club.
i got 7 bare root blackberry plants all told now, i'm gonna give them a go along the north fence, or in the N/W corner where the strawberries used to be.
they should get the most sunlight and earliest snow melt over in that section.

if i can ever get anywhere near the garden that is, the snow on the south side is so deep Jax walked over the 6' wood fence and beat up the neighbors dog.
i went over to get her, but his gates are all frozen shut, and his garage door is encased in a good 4-5"s of ice too.
i finally just whistled for her and she come back, looking like she had just got home from an amusement park.


Well-Known Member
Got up at 11.00am after a good 5 hour sleep..
Spent the day cleaning up from the wind storm. Resecuring the tarps on the barn. Cutting a limb up and getting stuff off my roof.
Then took the trash cans back to their perspective owners.
Found my trash can by the creek bank. Got it home.
Then ran out of steam. So figured In would finish picking up the yard tomorrow. Might even put the bag on the mower and use it as sort of a vaccume.
Got a shower then wife took one and snapped the handle off. So one more thing to fix.
So went on to church. Left my phone there. When I shut it off I laid it on the pew, I forgot it.
So reselected my wife's old tablet for now. Surprised the thing still works.
Well Dentist appointment tomorrow, wish me luck!
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Well-Known Member
I haven`t been on for a couple of days.
I was in the hospital with a mini stroke.
They said that I didn`t have a real stroke and no brain damage.
It`s called transient ischemic attack.
A real eye opener.

I started having those in 2016, because of a car crash in 2010 that resulted in some minor brain damage from smashing out the drivers side car window. I got a concussion that took 6 weeks to get over.
SWMBO jokes about it all the time when we clown around, she's wrong and she wants to be right.
I haven't had an episode in nearly three years. They finally got my meds to treat it adjusted correctly.
Neurologist said its not fatal, just an occasional minor electrical storm in the left half of my brain.
I take so many pills, I've got them working nights just to keep up
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Well-Known Member
My last concussion was a bugger to get over. Scraped off the back of a horse. Took over a month before I could brush my teeth without having to stop and think about how to do it.


Well-Known Member
Reading all the posts lately stirs up mixed emotions. First, I truly feel for those of you who are going thru various health challenges. The problem with getting old or injured is it becomes totally out of our hands and all we can do is what the doctors tell us to do and hope for the best.

The other emotion is (and I am very reluctant to post this) being grateful that the few problems I have are really just inconveniences and something that comes with age (leg cramps, arthritis, wrinkles, various aches and pains, etc.). I know that eventually something will catch up with me. Just hoping I can maintain the same positive attitude shown here when the day comes.

We all deal with adversity in various ways. But it appears that everyone here who is going thru something, is finding a way to get thru it and carry on with life. There are many that cannot do that. I'm glad to see the strength shown here.

Kevin Stenberg

Well-Known Member
Local spring gun auction yesterday. Some NIB shotguns going for 200 to 350$. But up comes 2 H&R shotguns both well used 350 to 400$. A Ruger 9mm rifle NIB 650$ another Ruger 44 mag. semi auto rifle lightly used 600$.
I guess on the plus side I sold a Marlin 336 in 35 Rem made in the 40's with a cheepy scope no rust but well used for 675$


Well-Known Member
Well made it back from the dentist, extraction specialist.

They had stations set, up like one of those hair salons.
Took some kind of imaging, looked like an MRI for the head.
Set me in a chair in one of the 10 stalls.
Dentist looked at the x-ray and my file.
Said 6 months was too long to wait. I had an abscess and it needed pulled today or I was going to loose the next tooth. I am on blood thinners but one tooth will be fine. Just don't take my next dose of Elequis at 2. Said I would bleed a lot but that's fine, only one tooth. Just keep changing gauze.
So he numbed me and left me sit listening to Kenny G for about 6 minutes.

Came back cracked it in half and pulled it out in 2 pieces.

This guy was good!
In and out in 15 to 20minutes! No pain and the actual extraction only took about a minute.
Fast and nimble.

So gave me antibiotics and Ibuprofen and a big bag of gauze. And sent me home.
Told me to get the meds, take them right away and find me a chair and sit in it the rest of the day to give my blood a chance to clot. So my plans are ruined for the day.
But glad That is done!
So obeying the DDS right now and just sitting here changing my gauze every half hour. Spitting blood in a cup.
Waiting for the bleeding to slow.
The only thing bad about the experience was the Kenny G soundtrack playing in the background.
Happy Happy :) :)
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