What is your weather today?


West Central AR
Well today is going to be exciting . Thunderstorms . Sure enough . I guess we'll see if the surge protectors are any good . Had a strike close enough to the house to light it all up , with the power out at the same time as the flash and the boom well under way before the flash went out .

It's like camping out though so it's cool I guess only 3-4 of us w/o power I guess .


North Central Arkansas
They keep warning us to expect severe weather the last three days. Much ado about nothing. We got 1/10 inch of rain, the day before yesterday, no lightning or thunder. Road crews were paving the highway, all day yesterday. Heavy fog this AM, at my place. Suppose to get T-storms between 10 AM and 2 PM with 2-3" of accumulation...................we'll see. :rolleyes:

L Ross

Well-Known Member
Got rained out this morning. Less than half way to my fishing destination I turned around and went home. My partner called me and said the radar looked bad all the way into Iowa and Minnesota and a big red blob was over the lake we were to fish.


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
Drove from Sac City IA to Salem SD today. Mostly sunny but very windy. Tired of pulling into the wind at $5.00 gas prices.


North Central Arkansas
We had rolling thunder, yesterday afternoon. Would last thirty seconds or longer and slowly fade out. Never heard that kind before. Very little lightning and even less rain. No measurable amount in gauge. Fog again this AM.


Active Member
Heat warning here in SE AZ, supposed to be 107 degrees today. The monsoon season starts 15 June but it looks like it may start a few days early this year.


West Central AR
Getting home at 12:30 this morning under starry skies I had high hopes it would hold for 8.5 hours .......... should've unloaded the freebee book case from work last night.....er.....earlier this morning . It'll probably be okay as a movie stand when it's dries out .

Just a light misty rain this morning not the furious down pour of yesterday and the day before . Looking out the door I'd say 7' in the last few days but it's probably only 1/10 of that .


North Central Arkansas
Currently, garden variety rain. We had drizzle on Wednesday, nothing measurable. Last measurable rain was on Wednesday, June 1st..............1/10 inch. The guessers had been promising up to four inches this week. :rofl:


Staff member
The much ballyhooed storm of the century came and went. I am delighted to announce we actually survived an incredible 2/10" of rain in an hour with no wind, no thunder, no nothing except storm warnings. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Don't think we got 1/10 of 1/10" of precipitation. Pretty much just overcast here 20 to 30 minutes north of Rick and John.