so waht ya doin today?


Alaska Land of the Midnight Sun
Hit a landmark personal goal today. I weighted under 180 for the first time in 25 years. Been on a diet since July 8th and lost 28 pounds since. My end goal is 175 which is a good weight for fat older guy, but I may continue and try for 165. Which ever weight I obtain the idea is a better diet and a gain of 5 pounds will trigger a diet to regain the target weight. The positive side is obviously all around better health which is needed as we age. I want to collect my Social Security as long as I can.
The really great thing is Karyn is do this with me and she is doing great as well.


Halcyon member
I just sold my old wood stove on FB marketplace. The guy is coming from Wisconsin today, to haul it away.

When I list stuff on FB, I almost never negotiate price online, but almost always get people trying to negotiate online. I almost always make them come in person if they want a deal. Now, the nice thing about FB, is you can do a quick look at the person's FB page to get an idea of their character...cuz I just hate to deal with a jackwagon. This guy from Wisconsin offered $150 on my $200 price. I did accept his offer, partly because he was coming from so far away and he seems like a very good person from his FB posts...and I haven't had too many bites in the first 4 days of the listing.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
Hit a landmark personal goal today. I weighted under 180 for the first time in 25 years. Been on a diet since July 8th and lost 28 pounds since. My end goal is 175 which is a good weight for fat older guy, but I may continue and try for 165. Which ever weight I obtain the idea is a better diet and a gain of 5 pounds will trigger a diet to regain the target weight. The positive side is obviously all around better health which is needed as we age. I want to collect my Social Security as long as I can.
The really great thing is Karyn is do this with me and she is doing great as well.
Good for you!!! It's not easy, but the end result is worth it! I'm stuck between 183 and 187 with a goal wt of 175 in mind. Down from 250. Those last 10 lbs are a killer. Keep working on it!!! It's worth it! :D
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At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
Kitchen sink/dishwasher drain is clogged, so off to town I went. Thought I'd price some 10/2 copper for my air compressor while I was picking up drain cleaner. All they had was a 250 ft roll- $449.00!!!!!!!!!:embarrassed::angry:Needless to say, I left without any wire...


West Central AR
Soggy here, again! Can't do much with my back acting up. Might try newing a hydraulic cylinder today. At least I'll be dry.

Halloween is SWMBO birthday. It's held right up there with Christmas and Thanksgiving in the holy-days calendar.

Lucky girl , it's a state holiday in Nevada , admission day . Parties , parades , University of Nevada Reno homecoming .


Well-Known Member
Got new all-in-one computers for her and me yesterday. Still transferring stuff from the old ones. Win7 to 10 plus updates, MUST get her email working. Answer questions every few minutes. 'How does this work?' Beats me, just figger it out.


Well-Known Member
I made a new handle for my New LEE Turret press...

Then made a powder stand for use with same.

The handle was Quick & Easy to bend up a stick of 1/2" Cold Rolled steel. Map gas and a vice made short work. Now I have much more hand room & can "run" press standing now.

The powder stand was scrap 1/2" blk pipe a d a new flange. Ooh a 7/8x14 nut. (Better then thinner lock rings) About a half hour prepping the parts and fifteen minutes welding it up then flap wheel and acetone whipe down and a couple Coats Hammered Paint.

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Notorious member
Maaaan, those "new" turret bases are mickey mouse. Watch you don't twist the stamped ram link with your offset handle. Nice job on the handle by the way, if I were to keep my progressive version of that press I'd make an almost straight handle and stick a wood ball on the end to relieve that sideways tweak on the wrist joint that the roller handles give me when moving the handle full stroke.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
I'll never understand "cat people". Why anyone would want an animal they train to pee and poop in the house so they can spend time cleaning it up is simply beyond me.

Spent yesterday plumbing a drain line that I screwed up on the original install. It took about 5 years, but that thing was packed solid with greasy soap/fat/food/ and HAIR!!!!! residue. Got totally filthy and covered in that crap. At least it drains good now. Sure didn't do my stupid back any good.


Alaska Land of the Midnight Sun
I don’t know about the not contributing to security of the house. Felix the cat lets us know generally before Biscuit does that there’s a moose, Lynx, fox outside. Get surprised by a moose when your headed to the shop or car in the dark. Just got to pay attention to the little fur shedding factory.
Oh and I’m not a fan of cats, but, house politics are involved here.


Resident Half Fast Machinist
One of my cats certainly saved me from what could have been serious medical issues when she licked and pawed at me when I was sleeping and my blood sugar was getting really low. Woke me up enough for me to realize what was going on and eat a candy bar.

As far as I'm concerned any cat in my orbit has earned its keep.


Well-Known Member
Sat down with family we went over uncles wishes. Looks like it is going to be a blue jean funeral with no flowers amd a 4 hour none alcohol wake . food and all pre arange and paid for by him. Nothing to do but arange tuesday it is.


Well-Known Member
Today is our 44th Wedding Anniversary..... So we took a drive out to the our favorite Farm Dairy and got Ice Cream!
We haven't had that in about a year! It sure was good!
Pic below is from that day 44 years ago! Our weather today was almost the same as it was back then.