Dang, Jim, that's cruel and unusual punishment for a fella who just got in from a few hours working in a hot shop and hasn't had his supper yet! Looks scrumptious, I'm sure it will be well enjoyed. Congrats on a productive week!
I'm not a big fan of Jalapeño peppers unless they're canned and most of the label is in Spanish (like in the "ethic" aisle at H-E-B, for those of you lucky enough to live in H-E-B foodstore country). They taste like hot bell peppers (so do green Chili peppers) and that flavor is a huge turn-off to me. I like the little Piquins and have a bush planted just for cooking. Lots of other good ones out there, I could be pepper connoisseur if there were enough room in my head for one more category of obsession.