Random Humor


Well-Known Member
i used to work with a guy that resembled him.
he kind of talked like him too, but was a fairly hard core democrat [in Wyoming no less] we had a lot of fun poking at each other over the years.
miss that guy, i still refer to his vice presidents trophy wife setting company policy theory.


California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
You can borrow my son's dad-joke facepalm instead...

View attachment 37981
Ian, perhaps you ought to copyright the picture.

That he may become the forum's groan poster boy, your son doesn't know how often his picture will be posted nor as famous as he'll become.


Well-Known Member
That would be a fine blind in the right area.
A hallowed out straw roll is another if they have been in place for a while.
I think the best blinds I ever had were fallen tree, a rock. Or heavy brush.
As long as you get enough cover as to appear you are just a small animal.


Well-Known Member
Over the years, I have killed almost as many from various ground set ups, but I will always prefer to be off the ground in a tree stand and try real hard to do that if at all possible.