What is your weather today?


North Central Arkansas
Around 7:45 PM, we got 4/10" in about 15 minutes. That was after the 70% chance of rain had expired, earlier in the day, never materialized. :headbang:


Staff member
Wow, 15 minutes north of me and Smokey got an inch. 15 minutes south of me and Winelover got 4/10". Me in the middle . . . Not a drop.

L Ross

Well-Known Member
Wow . . . 15-20 minutes away and not a drop.
Yeah, 15-20 minutes can make all the difference. Friday night as my wife snoozed to the blissful patter of .3", folks near Steuben awoke at 3 am to a frightful pounding of rain on their roofs. In the next two hours they got between 10" and a foot! Of course they are in the Kickapoo Valley and get flooded regularly as the rain flash floods out of the surrounding hills and quickly engorges the Kickapoo.

Instantly there were reports of calves being swept away and round bales washed away. A local young man took a video as he ran around a field that had been dry land when they went to bed, in his Jon boat and 25 hp Mercury outboard. He pointed out a submerged tractor as he went by.

We have been told the locals received no warning and that this is from remnants of tropical storm Claudette. But hell, we are a long way from the Gulf of Mexico.


Official forum enigma
Today was a repeat of yesterday temp-wise, 104* again for a high. We had thunderheads boiling up behind the mountains all afternoon, but no production locally. The kids and grands went to San Diego for the day, Marie and I took a rain check. San Diego is like the Sierras this time of year, from Memorial Day through Labor Day we avoid both--unless the pelagics are running wild. Then, I'll slip the boat into Mission Bay at sun-up and spend all day over La Jolla Canyon prospecting for yellowtail until almost dark.


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
Yep, we usually have a week or so of 100+* every summer, it is the desert. But 105+ for ten days is record breaking. 115* will be an all time record.


Official forum enigma
86* here right now, and surprisingly-high humidity--42%. It is overcast and kinda dank. Not "high" humidity like in the Southeast, but noticeable by us desert denizens and it makes life tough for arsonists and their forest fires. Bring it on, says I.


North Central Arkansas
My thermometer is currently reading 95* with 47% humidity. The lowest it's been all day..........down from 87% this AM. I mowed, behind a self propelled, all day, except for breaks to cool down and eat. Miserable outside.


Well-Known Member
Down right unbearable in the sun. Just tollerable when it goes behind a cloud. Humidity way up too. Aughta see rolling thunderstorms here soon...


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
What's the humidity? Bet it ain't nowhere near unbearable that non deserts get. Makes all the difference.
It is 113* and 15% humidly. If you can stay out of the sun, it is more comfortable than the mid-west at 95* and 95% humidity. You can't sweat here now, it evaporates right out of the pores of your skin.
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Well-Known Member
I was working on assembling a gate for a wooden fence, this afternoon. Outside 100* and no sweat. Walk into the house for a minute, and start sweating like crazy. 5 minutes after I go back outside, my shirt is dry as a bone. It's not supposed to have a high less than a hundred for at least the next seven days.


We saw 113 today here in Walla Walla, but folks nearby were at 115-116

Our AC was gutted a few years back as it was quite antiquated, and the duct work consisted of collapsing panels. Been meaning to install a complete, new system, but we’ve muddled through the last couple of years with lots of fans and a freestanding LG unit In our master bedroom. Obviously that wasn’t a good decision……

That LG is not keeping up the last few days, and we have at least another week of 100+ temps before it might cool down. The kids have been using the municipal pool a few hours each day. On my days off I’m taking a half-dozen cold showers a day. Fortunately the shop where I work has AC.

So, when this is over I will start installing a new system, but not until it cools way down. The thought of putting new ductwork in the attic right now is frightening.

Honestly, this is pretty uncomfortable…..
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